Executive Outplacement for Downsizing 

by | Jul 13, 2023

Executive outplacement can be paramount amidst corporate downsizing. Oftentimes, companies focus on outplacement for their broader workforce; however an executive’s off-boarding experience can have massive implications for an organization. 

Executive Outplacement is a service provided, typically by a third-party consultant or firm, to help executives transition into new roles when they depart from their current positions. It can come into play due to various circumstances, including Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A), layoffs, company restructuring, and more. 

If you’re preparing for a reduction in force that’s geared towards your entry to mid level workforce, you might find our blog What Is Outplacement a great place to learn more.

The Unique Challenges of Executive Outplacement

Executive roles often carry a unique set of responsibilities and decision-making powers. As a result, executive exits tend to be more complex and nuanced.

A successful transition may take months or even years. Executives have a greater responsibility to exit with minimal disruption; oftentimes leaving their teams and systems, visions and strategies they once built. At the same time, executives are left to navigate a new job market – one that demands executive positioning, a strong network and guidance.

With these unique challenges in mind, it makes sense to distinguish outplacement needs for executives.

Mergers and acquisitions comes with executive turnover

For large companies, executive outplacement can be an invaluable asset during Mergers and Acquisitions (M&As). This service can help maintain organizational structure and efficiency amidst the transition, ensuring that executives who are leaving the company are adequately supported while emerging a new executive bench for the newly shaped entity.

This not only eases the transition process for these executives but also demonstrates the company’s commitment to its top leadership, fostering goodwill and loyalty.

Brand reputation matters during executive transition

Beyond its practical benefits, executive outplacement plays a vital role in managing a company’s reputation during executive transitions. An executive’s job is to influence – they have credibility, reach and capacity to champion or critic your brand amidst an exit. 

The employees who will remain at the company will undoubtedly watch the executive’s transition. How their leaders leave will influence, in part, whether they stay. 

Demonstrating a genuine commitment to empowering executives upon exit shows good character and care. It comes down to doing the right thing, which is also, the smart thing for the business. Companies with executive outplacement support are shown to be more successful in recruiting top talent and maintaining stakeholder confidence.

The executive outplacement process

The executive outplacement process begins with understanding the needs of the departing executive in addition to the timeline and confidentiality at play. Services often include:

  • Career Mapping
  • Goal Setting for Job Search
  • Expert Positioning (resume, linkedin and beyond)
  • Optimizing Network and Referrals
  • Interview Preparation

Outplacement partners who have a deep understanding of the organization and the transitioning executive offer invaluable guidance during a time of great transition.


Executive outplacement offers undeniable benefits for both executives and organizations. By supporting top leadership during transitions, companies can maintain a positive brand image, enhance loyalty among remaining staff, and ensure seamless business operations during significant organizational changes such as M&As. 

For these reasons, HR Directors and Hiring Managers should consider the value that executive outplacement services bring to the table.


Written by Marcia Needels