The Guide to Hiring for Culture – Not Just Growth

by | May 23, 2023

We all know that smart hiring is a crucial part of any successful business. It’s important to make sure to find the people who will scale your business, and your culture. Cultivating a diverse culture can be challengingFinding the right fit can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be!

In this article, we’ll break down the guide to hiring for your company ethos and growth goals

Aim to create a team that is unified in their passion for the company’s mission. Ideally, you want team members to co-create the company culture.

Conformity is not unity, and if they have to fit in, they will conform. Someone who can bring their individuality and align with company values will make your team more dynamic

Assessing Your Company’s Culture

What is company culture anyway? It’s how your company builds relationships and connections among team members to achieve goals as a united group. It celebrates everyone individually to foster a harmonious collective. Building company culture means seeking candidates who bring distinct perspectives to the existing team while upholding shared ideas. 

But here’s the thing, it’s not always easy to find someone who can co-create the ideal company culture. Each company has its own unique culture, and while it can be difficult to define on paper, culture plays a critical role in determining if a person will be successful in your organization.

At the same time, hiring for culture also means tapping into a candidate’s desire for belonging. We all want to feel like we belong among our peers, professional or otherwise. 

While this may sound like a tall order, there are ways to ensure finding individuals who understand and embrace your company values. From comprehensive interviews that focus on professional alignment to utilizing tools such as personality tests and assessments – these steps will help you identify candidates who are genuinely interested in becoming part of your team and helping you achieve greatness.

Identifying and Evaluating Qualities to Hire for Fit

Now that you’ve taken the time to assess your company’s culture, it’s essential to identify and evaluate qualities in potential hires and determine a clear picture of who you are looking for both on paper and in person.

Here are three key things to keep in mind when evaluating potential candidates:

  1. Does the candidate have the right skill set?
  2. Does the candidate add to our company culture?
  3. Are they motivated by the same professional values as your organization?

Knowing what qualities you’re seeking will help ensure that you find the right people who can contribute not only to the team but also to the company’s mission, vision, and shared values.

As you start to narrow down potential hires, don’t be afraid to ask questions that allow candidates to showcase their individual experiences and capabilities. You’ll be able to get an accurate picture of how well their personalities, work ethics, and skills enhance your organization so they’ll be able to hit the ground running once hired.

Hiring for culture is just as important as hiring for growth. By taking this approach, you can rest easy knowing that no matter who joins your team, they’re ready and excited to make an impact.

Crafting a Comprehensive Job Description to Hire for Culture

Job descriptions are the lifeblood of any successful hiring process. They provide the baseline for assessing a candidate’s alignment with an organization and can be looked at as a roadmap to success.

It’s essential to craft a comprehensive job description that accurately reflects both the position and the organization’s goals. 

Be certain that all aspects of the job are included in the description so it speaks to both potential candidates and current employees about who you are as an organization. That means including details on culture, values, team dynamics, expectations, and more – not just listing out responsibilities and duties.

When executed successfully, this creates a sense of belonging among candidates who feel they connect with your mission and with those already employed by your company. Most importantly, strive to be clear about what type of person or skillset you’re looking for to find someone who will truly enhance your team.

By putting this thought into crafting your job description upfront, you’ll save yourself time in the long run by ensuring that only qualified candidates apply for the role.

Hiring for Culture is Possible

This is a process that requires thoughtful consideration of both the job’s requirements and the culture of your organization.

Take time to assess your company’s culture and identify qualities to look for in potential hires, to create a comprehensive job description that will help you find someone who is not only capable but also a great fit.

Finding the right candidate can make all the difference between a successful hire and an unsuccessful one – like finding a missing puzzle piece to complete your team’s vision.


Written by Marcia Needels